A Letter From The Principal

Artist's rendering (by Little Susie in Ms. Klein's Early Childhood Development Class and Sweatshop)

Artist’s rendering (by Little Susie in Ms. Klein’s Early Childhood Development Class and Sweatshop)

I don’t know where I am right now. It’s mostly dark, save for the flashes of bright white light and the purple eyes that flicker around me like burning cinders. I have awoken here, to the sounds of snarls and unholy flatulence, but I can’t remember where I was before I fell asleep. It might have been at home. I may have crawled into my safe warm bed to fall asleep… No, I remember now. I had been working late in my office at the school. I heard a noise in the hall, from the direction of the nurse’s office. I went there and opened the door to find… It was a portal of some kind, I think. It was oblong and floating a foot above the floor, pulsating with a deep amber glow. It called to me and then I was falling.

In conclusion, I hope you have a great summer and I hope to find my way back in time for the next school year. Go Deadites!